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            Home/Products/Product details


            IUPAC name:


            Trade name:Edirol

            CAS No.:104121-92-8

            Molecular Formula: C30H50O5

            Molar mass:490.715

            Pharmacological action: This product is vitamin D analogues, can promote intestinal absorption of calcium, increased calcium concentration and improve bone metabolism and promote the absorption of calcium. It is mainly used in the clinical treatment of osteoporosis.

            On a:Dydrogesterone

            Next article:Alfacalcidol

            Add:No.188,Linchang Road, Baima Town, Neijiang, Sichuan, China  蜀ICP備05031241號   Sichuan Neijiang Huixin Pharmacy Co.,Ltd.  All rights reserved.   Tel:0832-8781104  0832-5079510  0832-5079508   Fax:0832-8781144   

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