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            IUPAC name:(9β,10α)-pregna-4,6-diene-3,20-dione

            CAS No.:152-62-5

            Molecular Formula:  C21H28O2

            Molar mass:312.446

            Pharmacological action: the chemical structure of the existence and nature of progesterone is very similar to that of progestin drugs as compared to other similar drugs has obvious advantages and safety, for the treatment of amenorrhea, endometriosis, prevention of functional bleeding and threatened abortion.

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            Add:No.188,Linchang Road, Baima Town, Neijiang, Sichuan, China  蜀ICP備05031241號   Sichuan Neijiang Huixin Pharmacy Co.,Ltd.  All rights reserved.   Tel:0832-8781104  0832-5079510  0832-5079508   Fax:0832-8781144   

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